
DNS Reduction

This interface can be used to perform reduction of data collected at the DNS instrument at MLZ. Three different types of data can be loaded with the help of this interface. These data types correspond to the following operational modes of the instrument: “Powder TOF”, “Powder Elastic”, and “Single Crystal Elastic”. Additionally, the interface provides a possibility of simulating DNS data using the “Simulation” mode.

At the moment, the interface only works for data collected by the polarization analysis detector bank, but not those collected by the position sensitive detector.

The interface can be accessed from the main menu of MantidWorkbench by clicking on “Interfaces” → “Direct” and selecting “DNS Reduction”. It can also be initialized standalone by running the python file DNS_Reduction.py in qt/python/mantidqtinterfaces/mantidqtinterfaces.

Once the interface is selected, the user should select one of the four available operational modes described below.

Interface Usage and Description

  • DNS Powder TOF

  • DNS Powder Elastic

  • DNS Single Crystal Elastic

  • DNS Simulation

Feedback & Comments

If you have any questions or comments about this interface or this help page, please contact DNS instrument scientists DNS instrument webpage.

Categories: Interfaces | Direct